Salut *
My name is Lionel. I'm a wildlife photographer with a passion for great apes
Arbore girl
The Arbore are pastoralists. They are distributed in only 4 villages in South Omo Valley. This young girl was taken at the dark entrance of a hut.
Mundari story
Cows are everything for the Mundari people. They massage them twice a day, collect their dung to make fires that produce very fine ashes that are reused as sun protection and insect repellent. The fires are also used to keep them warm during the night. No waist, all is reused.
Sunset over Bagan
The sunset over Bagan old city is an enchantment with its hot-air balloons sailing through the pagodas. Photo taken from Shwesandaw pagoda.
Old indonesian man
In front of his small hut, this old man was living inside the Tanjung Puting National Park.
God is in the air
Thousands of pilgrims, draped in white gowns, gather around the 13th century rock-hewn churches for an evening of celebration, reflection, and reverence.
Komo sweat
The Komo are shepherds and farmers. They raise cattle, sheep, and goats. They engage in some hunting and fishing, and also do some trading with the Nuer and other nearby peoples. The men hunt, fish, and do most of the herding and milking, while the women help the men with farm labor. The women also collect honey from the hives in the bush.
Eastern lowland subadult gorilla
Only 250 eastern lowland gorillas are left, and most of them are in Kahuzi-Biega National Park.
Dupa boy
Massaï walking to the dry lake Manyara
Massaï wear a red robe, called shuka, which symbolizes their culture and it is supposed to scare away the lions.
Nuer young boy
Nuer tribe live in the West of Ethiopia (Gambella Region) as well as in South Sudan. They are the second largest ethnic group in South Sudan.
Two colorful beauties
If you are not epileptic and want an explosion of colours, go to Harar in Ethiopia... or Desigual
Elephant fight in Serengeti
Male elephants can be quite sociable when not competing for dominance or mates.
Khoisan Tribe (formerly called Bushmen) suffered a lot from the war and only a few hundred left remains in Angola.
Suri boy
During special occasions, Suri people wear brightly colored flowers on their heads and paint their faces and bodies.
Holi festival
Holi is a festival of colors where people splash different colors on each other to celebrate the victory of good over evil. Colors symbolize life, and coloring gives life to our wishes and celebrations, making Holi a festival of celebrating life, love, and passion.
Gaze in a white crowd
During religious events, Ethiopian orthodox wear the habesha kemis, a white tissue that symbolizes purity and innocence.